
Learn how to install LuxuVipShop

  1. Download, Install and configure the Latest LuxuModules and ox_lib

  2. Install LuxuVipShop folder in your resources folder

  3. Install the SQL code in your database, found inside LuxuVipShop/sql

  4. Open config.lua:

    1. Choose/Create your locale -> Config.Locale | Check locales folder

    2. Define your Tebex Packages 👇

Config.Tebex = {
      redeem = true, -- set to false to disable tebex redeem feature
      packages = {
                  label = "1000 Coin package", -- Put whatever you want
                  coins = 1000, -- How many coins the player receives 
                  packageID = 5721342 -- Tebex Package ID
                  label = "5000 Coin package",
                  coins = 5000,
                  packageID = 5723242,

⚒️ Customization

Never live edit the players coin balance. Always shutdown the script first or use the built in commands.

Learn how to customize the coin shop.

The script uses Font Awesome Icons (free), in some cases you will be able to write html directly in the config.

🏠 Home Page

In the Home page there are 2 rows: Donator/Vip Packages and Mystery Boxes. You can disable each row if you want.

🪙 Donator Packages ( 1 Row ) You can disable this.

This first row is meant to display your paid packages or donator roles to your players. If players click on the buy button, their browser will open a new tab with the link you provided.

Let's define some packages:

Config.HomeMenu = {
      label = "Home", -- Title of the sidebar option
      value = "home", -- Don't change this
      icon = "<i class='fa-solid fa-house'></i>", -- Sidebar Icon
      firstRow = {
            enabled = true, -- change to false to disable
            title = "Coins", -- Row Title
            sizing = 'static', -- static | dynamic
            packages = {
                        image = "https://www.svgrepo.com/show/452101/silver-medal.svg", 
                        label = "Donator Rank Bronze",
                        value = "$5",
                        button = {
                              label = "Buy Now",
                              link = "https://fivem.luxu.gg/package/5453166"
                        image = "./coins.svg", -- Image url or filename (nui folder)
                        label = "Donator Rank Silver", -- title of package
                        value = "Price: $10", -- Price | Description change to "" to disable
                        button = {
                              label = "Buy Now", -- Button label
                              link = "https://fivem.luxu.gg/package/5453166" -- Link to open on player's browser

🎁 Myster Boxes ( 2 Row ) You can disable this.

This is where players can buy mystery boxes that will contain 1 random item.

Let's create a mystery box 👇

  1. Change the probabilites, (the sum must should equal 1)

  2. Create a box and add a name (e.g. BOX_1_NAME)

  3. Add all the 4 groups (common, uncommon, rare, legendary)

  4. Add items to each group.

--[[ Available Colors: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, orange, pink ]]

Config.MysteryBoxes = {
      groups = { -- These are the probability groups, don't change the names.
            ['common'] = {
                  probability = 0.6, -- change this
                  color = "blue" -- change this
            ['uncommon'] = {
                  probability = 0.2,
                  color = "purple"
            ['rare'] = {
                  probability = 0.15,
                  color = "red"
            ['legendary'] = {
                  probability = 0.05,
                  color = "yellow"
      },  -- The sum of all probabilites should be 1, e.g. 0.6+0.2+0.15+0.05 = 1
      boxes = {
            ['BOX_1_NAME'] = { -- Name of the Box
                  ["common"] = { -- Add the items inside

                              label = "Coins",
                              value = "coins",
                              category = "coins",
                              amount = 5,
                  ["uncommon"] = {

                              label = "Carbine Rifle Mk II",
                              value = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2",
                              category = "weapon",
                              amount = 1,
                              label = "Special Carbine Mk II",
                              value = "weapon_specialcarbine_mk2",
                              category = "weapon",
                              amount = 1,
                  ["rare"] = {
                              label = "Carbine Rifle Mk II",
                              value = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2",
                              category = "weapon",
                              amount = 1,
                  ['legendary'] = {
                              label = "Special Carbine Mk II",
                              value = "weapon_specialcarbine_mk2",
                              category = "weapon",
                              amount = 1,

  1. Now let's go to Config.HomeMenu

  2. Create a package with the box you created (e.g . BOX_1_NAME)

Config.HomeMenu = {

 MysteryBoxes = {
            enabled = true, -- Enable or Disable Mystery Boxes
            title = "Mystery Boxes",
            sizing = 'static', -- static | dynamic
            packages = {
                        title = "Mystery Box 1",
                        description = "Weapons",
                        price = 50,
                        items = Config.MysteryBoxes.boxes['BOX_1_NAME'] -- Name of the box
  1. Congratulations, you just created a mystery box!

🛒 Products Page

By default the coin shop comes with 2 pages: Cars and Weapons. You can remove/modify these and/or create completly new ones.

Let's create a new Product Page for Items

Product Categories

There are 3 product categories:

  • item

  • vehicle

  • weapon

Custom Product Categories

You can create custom product categories👇

When coding the logic for the server function, DON'T FORGET: Always return true if you want the operation to finish, otherwise the player's item will not be removed from his coin shop inventory

CustomProductCategories = {
      ['plate'] = { -- type name
            serverFunction = function(source, license, product) -- server function logic
                  -- If you need to close menu
                  TriggerClientEvent('LuxuVipShop:Client:CloseNUI', source)
                  if 'success' then
                        return true
                        Notify(source, 'Failed Withdrawing Item', 'error', 5000)
                        return false
      ['character'] = {  -- type name
            serverFunction = function(source, license, product)  -- server function logic
                  -- If you need to close menu
                  TriggerClientEvent('LuxuVipShop:Client:CloseNUI', source)
                  if 'success' then
                        return true
                        Notify(source, 'Failed Withdrawing Item', 'error', 5000)
                        return false

Okay, now we create a product page

Here we will create a vehicles page

Config.Menus = {
            enabled = true,
            label = "Vehicles", -- Title
            value = "vehicles", -- key
            icon = "<i class='fa-solid fa-car'></i>", -- Side bar icon
            products = {
                        label = "Nero", -- Product title
                        value = "nero", -- item/model 
                        category = "vehicle", -- category
                        amount = 1, 
                        price = 100,
                        label = "Buffalo S",
                        value = "buffalo2",
                        category = "vehicle",
                        amount = 1,
                        price = 200,
                        custom_img = "https://image-link.png",
                        info = {
                              icon = true,
                              title = "Hello this is a custom title",
                              body = "Description of this product lorem ",
                        label = "Issi",
                        value = "issi2",
                        category = "vehicle",
                        amount = 1,
                        price = 300,
                        custom_img = "./image.png", -- located in the nui folder
                        label = "Sabre Turbo",
                        value = "sabregt",
                        category = "vehicle",
                        amount = 1,
                        price = 500,
                        label = "Zion",
                        value = "zion",
                        category = "vehicle",
                        amount = 1,
                        price = 600,


Everytime the player buys one of these items, it will be sent to his inventory.

When the player withdraws, the server will exectue the built-in logic and also any other logic you created if the item category is custom.

Create limited stock products.

  1. Define your stock groups and item stock

Config.Stock = {
      ["Stock_ID"] = { -- stock group identifier
            ["Item_name"] = 10 -- Max stock available
      ["mystock"] = { 
            ["weapon_pistol"] = 100,
            ["weapon_combatpistol"] = 20
  1. When creating your pages with products, specify a stock id or not

Products page example
            enabled = true,
            label = "This Page is using Stock",
            value = "stockpageexample",
            icon = '<i class="fa-solid fa-cubes-stacked"></i>',
            products = {
                        label = "Pistol",
                        value = "weapon_pistol",
                        category = "weapon",
                        amount = 1,
                        price = 100,
                        stockID = "mystock", -- 👈 We specifcy the stock group
                        info = {
                              icon = true,
                              title = "Hello this is a custom title",
                              body = "This product is using stock",
                  -- This product 👇 doesn't have stockid, so it has unlimited stock
                        label = "Pistol",
                        value = "weapon_pistol",
                        category = "weapon",
                        amount = 1,
                        price = 100,
                        info = {
                              icon = true,
                              title = "Hello this is a custom title",
                              body = "This product is using stock",


Play Time Rewards

If you want to reward players with coins for playing, you can!

Config.PlayRewards = {
      enabled = true, -- Enable Disable this feature
      delay = 20,              -- minutes | How much time the player needs to spend online to be rewarded  
      coin_reward = { 1, 20 }, -- receive from 1 to 20 coins (random), change this.

Tebex Redeem

In order for the players to redeem their tebex purchases, you need to add them here.

You need your tebex secret activated

  1. Get your tebex package Ids:

Config.Tebex = {
      redeem = true,
      packages = {
                  label = "1000 Coin package", -- This is irrelevant, put whatever you want or nothing at all
                  coins = 1000, -- coin rewards
                  packageID = 5721342 -- tebex package id
                  coins = 5000,
                  packageID = 5723242,

❓ Info Page

The info page is meant for explaining the coin shop to your players.

You can write it using markdown syntax or providing your own html.

Example 👇

Config.InfoPage = {
      html = {
            enabled = false,    -- disable if you want to use markdown
            pre_styled = true,  -- UI CSS styles will be injected
            src = './info.html' -- html file nui folder location
      markdown =

# Information 📖
<br />

### Links 🔗

* 🔹 Website: https://luxu.gg
* 🔹 Store: https://luxu.gg
* 🔹 Discord: https://discord.gg/luxu

<br />

### Read this 👇

Phasellus ut leo tempor, pellentesque arcu vel, pharetra leo. Sed ornare tincidunt felis, et posuere velit rutrum et. Suspendisse elementum turpis sed arcu facilisis, non tempus odio facilisis. Donec sit amet turpis eu ante tincidunt consectetur in a elit. Nulla ac lectus a ipsum accumsan elementum. Pellentesque fringilla orci felis, quis pretium arcu eleifend eu. Nullam nec elit dui. Quisque nisi mauris, varius in sapien a, suscipit vulputate libero. Fusce facilisis, tortor eget molestie volutpat, diam lacus scelerisque dolor, non posuere tellus libero congue nisl. Donec luctus eleifend orci, sed tristique eros bibendum in. Cras purus eros, eleifend eget sapien id, commodo vestibulum tellus. Donec facilisis lectus at ante dignissim porttitor. Sed non neque nulla. Etiam porttitor enim sed lorem sollicitudin, a rutrum nisi finibus.

<br />

### Disclaimer ⚠️

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin venenatis condimentum neque, vitae tincidunt neque malesuada nec. Cras sollicitudin tincidunt arcu, id elementum risus aliquet in. Pellentesque sagittis rhoncus pretium. Proin aliquet felis enim, at convallis mi bibendum sed. Aliquam quis justo ligula. Curabitur eu libero nisl. Nullam viverra pulvinar metus, vel posuere dolor euismod sed. Curabitur quis luctus lacus. Praesent convallis leo id blandit consectetur. Nullam dapibus, mauris sed varius condimentum, libero dui pretium purus, sit amet porttitor lorem quam vitae erat. Vestibulum ac semper quam, non egestas enim. Duis rhoncus scelerisque felis, vitae ultrices mauris maximus non.


Getting Information

Getting Your Tebex Secret

Go to https://creator.tebex.io/game-servers


Last updated