
This resource comes with all Luxu scripts, it can be found in your keymaster.

What is this?

LuxuModules is a centralized resource designed to streamline configuration management by enabling modifications to common functions, methods, and configs such as Config.Framework.

This is a resource that will come included with all Luxu.gg scripts.


  1. You need ox_lib (requires v3.10.0+), download the release not the source code

  2. Set your server's onesync to infinity:

    Alternative if you don't have txadmin: On your server.cfg add set onesync on You want peds in your server? Add this to your server.cfg onesync_population true


  1. Download the resource from keymaster.

  2. Extract the zip file to your resources folder

  3. Open config.lua and make the necessary changes

  4. Very important: Change Config.Framework options: 'esx' or 'qb'

  5. Ensure it on your server.cfg 👇

Resource start up order

Always start ox_lib and LuxuModules before any of our resources.

Respect this order 👇

ensure ox_lib
ensure LuxuModules
# luxu resources

Last updated