

Due to some design flaws, LuxuCM is being rewritten and some features may be missing for a small period of time.

The old version is no longer supported.

Disabled features (temporary):

  • Disasters

This version requires you to DELETE existing luxucm_warehouses table in your database.

Installation: ⚒️

Open SQL folder and install all the sql inside.

  • Download Installation and install it

  • Open LuxuModules config.lua and change your framework version, target system and any other options you might want.

  • Open LuxuCM config.lua and create new warehouses on the Config.Warehouses, follow the existing examples.

  • Create Items


For QBCore add this into your qb-core/shared/items.lua

To add images to the qb-inventory, add them to qb-inventory/html/images

-- Luxu Crypto Mining items
      ['asic_miner_fan']               = {
            ['name'] = 'asic_miner_fan',
            ['label'] = 'Asic Miner Fan',
            ['weight'] = 10,
            ['type'] = 'item',
            ['image'] = 'Fans.png',
            ['unique'] = false,
            ['useable'] = false,
            ['shouldClose'] = true,
            ['combinable'] = nil,
            ['description'] = 'For crafting asic miners'
      ['asic_miner_hashing_board']     = {
            ['name'] = 'asic_miner_hashing_board',
            ['label'] = 'Hashing Board',
            ['weight'] = 10,
            ['type'] = 'item',
            ['image'] = 'HashingBoard.png',
            ['unique'] = false,
            ['useable'] = false,
            ['shouldClose'] = true,
            ['combinable'] = nil,
            ['description'] = 'For crafting asic miners'
      ['miner_pcb']                    = {
            ['name'] = 'miner_pcb',
            ['label'] = 'Miner PCB',
            ['weight'] = 10,
            ['type'] = 'item',
            ['image'] = 'PCB.png',
            ['unique'] = false,
            ['useable'] = false,
            ['shouldClose'] = true,
            ['combinable'] = nil,
            ['description'] = 'For crafting asic miners'
      ['miner_s9shell']                = {
            ['name'] = 'miner_s9shell',
            ['label'] = 'Antminers9 Shell',
            ['weight'] = 10,
            ['type'] = 'item',
            ['image'] = 's9shell.png',
            ['unique'] = false,
            ['useable'] = false,
            ['shouldClose'] = true,
            ['combinable'] = nil,
            ['description'] = 'For crafting antminers9'
      ['antminers9']                   = {
            ['name'] = 'antminers9',
            ['label'] = 'Antminer S9',
            ['weight'] = 100,
            ['type'] = 'item',
            ['image'] = 'antminers9.png',
            ['unique'] = false,
            ['useable'] = false,
            ['shouldClose'] = true,
            ['combinable'] = nil,
            ['description'] = 'Asic miner used for mining Bitcoin'


insert into items (name,label,weight,rare,can_remove) values ('antminers9','AntminerS9',1,0,1);
insert into items (name,label,weight,rare,can_remove) values ('asic_miner_fan','Asic Miner Fan',1,0,1);
insert into items (name,label,weight,rare,can_remove) values ('asic_miner_hashing_board','Hashing Board',1,0,1);
insert into items (name,label,weight,rare,can_remove) values ('miner_s9shell','AntminerS9 Shell',1,0,1);
insert into items (name,label,weight,rare,can_remove) values ('miner_pcb','Miner PCB',1,0,1);

Last updated