Where are the bans stored?

banlist.json = all the active bans.

removedbans.json = backup/history of all the removed bans (manual removed bans don't count)

How do I add a ban?

In the admin menu, on the players tab, select a player and click Ban 🚫

To add a manual ban, open banlist.json and add the following syntax to the array([]): {"license":"license:id","name":"PlayerName"}

How do I manually remove a ban?

Open banlist.json and remove the object , from the array([]), with the player info ({"name":"PlayerName"...}). Never delete [].

:::tip You don't need to restart the resource when your remove a ban manually. :::

I installed the script but the admin menu doesn't open and there are no errors.

If you can't open the menu and you see no errors, it's probably because you haven't setup the necessary permissions.

Read the Permissions section.

Errors 🚫

Lang Doesn't Exist

This error happens when your locale has missing translations. Compare your locale file with the en.lua locale file.

Last updated